Monday, January 25, 2010


most important music

I thought what I'd do was I'd pretend I was one of those deaf mutes

And in doing so I totally my entire girlfriend.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wise Owl

A collection of thoughts is nothing short of serene and delightfully eerie at times

The blue notebooks is along the same lines as a collection of thoughts but is coupled with monologues that really draw you into the album

Fuck papers

Had a first run of twilight princess on the wii over the past weekend and loved/hated it as expected from any zelda title. The kind of frustration you get from zelda temples has never been matched to me from any franchise. Good on you, zelda. Good on you.

I am the only mother fucker who likes pineapple pizza. What is that about?

22 soon. Fuck that

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Dem Mumfords

Its good yo

Had an intense nap today. Couple hours.

Friday, September 18, 2009

WTF is a Kid Cudi?

A rapper, matt. A rapper.

His album dropped the other day. So did Muse's new thingy.

Good enough.


First nose bleed of my entire life just now. Odd as heck. You know, just all sitting on the pooper, ready to make a transaction and I felt goo coming out my nose. I don't even know.

Tromped around with Sir Baker of Stow making video yesterday. Had a good run. Some alright footage.


Monica is in California (garden of eden) to do two weddings and stuff. I've been missing her pretty much, but she's having fun right now, so that's ok.

Akron is alright.

Friday, August 14, 2009

That new iYORK

I went to new york. It was an entire thing.

Roomed at cousins house. There was a party at one point with avant-garde improv jazz made by people who are mostly not musicians at all. Also known as FUCKING NOISE. And it was hilarious. Drunk noise.

Cabs give me emotions like some kind of anxiety attack. I am not meant for it.

I could probably do better as a performer in NYC than in munroe falls. But I don't see that happening to me.

Subways confuse and anger me. They are stuffy and overheated.

The drive to and from was the most enjoyable car trip I've ever experienced. I think the company had something to do with it.

Got a car and it is a jetta. I think that is pretty cool.

Found a strange room on top of a building and this is it:

The national is a good band. Just saying.

Yin yang buugeng happened. They feel different than my oak buugeng. I think it has something to do with the type of wood used. Yin yang feel more stiff, more sturdy. This is not a complaint.

There's some shit going on with me. Rehearsal in a couple hours. Show on friday. Three shows on saturday. School is soon. Monica is ohio within a week, for at least a while, so that we can give it a real good shot. I need to find a job. All of this feels like a lot to me, but it probably isn't really. Just anxiety over it, yo.

Went to hoo-dilly's house last night, and oh JAM is his room a fucked up pile of MESS. Like, shit hit the fan in there, and the shit got blown into another fan parralel to it. This is like a hurricane of fan shit. Mother of PEARL, I probably should have taken pictures for the blogging.

Surely next time it will be in even worse condition, so I'll do that on the next hoo-dilly visit.

....You guys want some jerkey?